Explore projects
Nplot is a generic graphic plotter that uses gnuplot to create a curve animation.
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An interface for the visualization of panoramas capable of handling wide fields of view, based on Möbius transformations.
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A collection of custom components for Qt/QML
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PatherQuick: A* path finding component for QtQuick
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Addon to bring virtual reality devices to the Blender viewport
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repository for build files of the bridge repository (dlls, ...)
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Arquivos para o seminário de Animação de Objetos e Personagens realizado no dia 17/02/2016.
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Companion code for my presentation Introduction to GPU Delegated Computing in MATLAB. Most code based on MathWorks examples, changed a little for the presentation.
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Um pequeno gerador de labirintos usando JAVA e processing.
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Um exemplo simples de uso de classes no Processing 3.
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