This program compiles on GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows (this port is currently
in development and may not run). It requires:
-Visual C++ or MinGW with g++ in Windows
-OpenGL 3.1 or GLew 1.3.5,
-freeglut (maybe it also works with glut),
-libnetpbm (if using any compiler other than Visual C++).
In windows, you need to get libjpeg, libpng and libnetpbm from the GnuWin32
project ( Additionally, you need flex
because it contains an implementation of unistd.h.
To build in GNU/Linux and Mac, simply run qmake and make. In Windows, it
would be easier to go through QtCreator (of course, you can also use
QtCreator on GNU/Linux and Mac).
To configure, you can set in the file ~/.panorc the following options.
shader_dir=<path to directory containing the shader files>
image_file=<full path to the desired input file>
image_dir=<path to directory containing the input files>
fov=<starting value of fov, in degrees>
max_fov=<starting value of max_fov, in degrees>
zblambda=<Zorin-Barr lambda parameter>
zbR=<Zorin-Barr R parameter>
Lines in the file must start with option names, and no spaces should go
between option names, equal signs and values. If no shader path is set, the
default is ./shaders/. If no input file is set, or the file is missing, a
file chooser will be shown at startup. The default value of max_fov and fov
are 60 degrees. zblambda and zbR are specified in floating-point, following
machine locales.