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Oculus ( head mounted display
It uses a C app to connect with the SDK

The bridge code is hosted at Visgraf:

from . import HMD_Base
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from ..lib import (

class Oculus(HMD_Base):
    def __init__(self, context, error_callback):
        super(Oculus, self).__init__('Oculus', True, context, error_callback)
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    def _getHMDClass(self):
        from bridge.oculus import HMD
        return HMD
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    def projection_matrix(self):
        if self._current_eye:
            matrix = self._hmd.getProjectionMatrixRight(self._near, self._far)
            matrix = self._hmd.getProjectionMatrixLeft(self._near, self._far)

        self.projection_matrix = matrix
        return super(Oculus, self).projection_matrix

    def projection_matrix(self, value):
        self._projection_matrix[self._current_eye] = \

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    def init(self, context):
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        Initialize device

        :return: return True if the device was properly initialized
        :rtype: bool
            HMD = self._getHMDClass()
            self._hmd = HMD()
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            # gather arguments from HMD
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            self.width = self._hmd.width_left
            self.height = self._hmd.height_left

            self.width = self._hmd.width_right
            self.height = self._hmd.height_right

            # initialize FBO
            super(Oculus, self).init()
            # send it back to HMD
            if not self._setup():
                raise Exception("Failed to setup HMD")

        except Exception as E:
            self.error("init", E, True)
            self._hmd = None
            return False

            return True
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    def _setup(self):
        return self._hmd.setup(self._framebuffer_object[0], self._framebuffer_object[1])

    def loop(self, context):
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        Get fresh tracking data
            data = self._hmd.update()
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            self._eye_orientation_raw[0] = data[0]
            self._eye_orientation_raw[1] = data[2]
            self._eye_position_raw[0] = data[1]
            self._eye_position_raw[1] = data[3]
            # update matrices
            super(Oculus, self).loop(context)
        except Exception as E:
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            self.error("loop", E, False)
            return False

        return True
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    def frameReady(self):
        The frame is ready to be sent to the device
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        except Exception as E:
            self.error("frameReady", E, False)
            return False
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        return True

    def reCenter(self):
        Re-center the HMD device

        :return: return True if success
        :rtype: bool
        return self._hmd.reCenter()

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    def quit(self):
        Garbage collection
        self._hmd = None
        return super(Oculus, self).quit()
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