#-------------------------------------------------- # Panoramic is an interface for the visualization of panoramas capable of # handling wide fields of view, based on Möbius transformations. # Copyright (C) 2015 Luis Peñaranda, Luiz Velho and Leonardo Sacht. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . #-------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2012-06-06T09:22:08 # #------------------------------------------------- QT += core gui opengl # uncomment to show in the main window controls for other methods DEFINES += PANO_EXTENDED_CONTROLS # compiler specific settings darwin-g++*|macx-g++*|linux-g++*|win32-g++*|cygwin-g++* { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -ansi -pedantic -Wno-long-long INCLUDEPATH += "C:/MinGW/include" DEPENDPATH += "C:/MinGW/include" INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Qt/4.8.4-mingw/include" DEPENDPATH += "C:/Qt/4.8.4-mingw/include" LIBS += -L"C:/MinGW/lib" LIBS += -L"C:/MinGW/bin" LIBS += -L"C:/Qt/4.8.4-mingw/lib" LIBS += -L"C:/Qt/4.8.4-mingw/bin" } win32-msvc* { DEFINES += _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS LIBS += "/nodefaultlib:LIBCMT" INCLUDEPATH += "C:/Qt/4.8.4/include" DEPENDPATH += "C:/Qt/4.8.4/include" LIBS += -L"C:/Qt/4.8.4/lib" LIBS += -L"C:/Qt/4.8.4/bin" } mac { LIBS += -L/opt/local/lib LIBS += -lpng -ljpeg -lpnm LIBS += -framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT INCLUDEPATH += /opt/local/include/netpbm/ \ /opt/local/include/ } else:unix { #LIBS += -lm -lpng -lpetsc -lglut -lGL -lnetpbm LIBS += -lm -lglut -lGL -lGLEW -ljpeg -lpng -lnetpbm # GLee is required when the version of opengl is old #SOURCES += GLee.c #HEADERS += GLee.h #DEFINES += NEEDGLEE } win32 { DEFINES += GLEW_STATIC PFROOT = "C:/Program Files" INCLUDEPATH += $${PFROOT}/glew-1.9.0/include DEPENDPATH += $${PFROOT}/glew-1.9.0/include INCLUDEPATH += $${PFROOT}/freeglut/include DEPENDPATH += $${PFROOT}/freeglut/include INCLUDEPATH += $${PFROOT}/GnuWin32/include DEPENDPATH += $${PFROOT}/GnuWin32/include LIBS += -L$${PFROOT}/freeglut/lib LIBS += -L$${PFROOT}/GnuWin32/lib LIBS += -L$${PFROOT}/GnuWin32/bin LIBS += -L$${PFROOT}/glew-1.9.0/lib LIBS += -lglew32s -lfreeglut -lglu32 -lopengl32 -ljpeg -llibpng -llibnetpbm10 } TARGET = pano_interface_1 TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp\ panowindow1.cpp \ openglcanvas.cpp \ chronos.cpp \ image_read.cpp HEADERS += panowindow1.h \ openglcanvas.h \ chronos.h \ glincludes.h \ image_read.h \ files.h FORMS += panowindow1.ui \ extended_controls.ui OTHER_FILES += \ shaders/fragment_shader.frag \ shaders/vertex_shader.vert