#Reward System ##### by Eric Biagioli This is the implementation of the problem that I have been asked to solve as part of the recruiting process at NUBANK. ####Outline of this document: 1. [Diclaimer] (#disclaimer) 2. [Theoretical Considerations] (#theoretical-considerations) 3. [Implementation Overview] (#implementation-overview) 4. [Build and run] (#build-and-run) 5. [Demos] (#demos) ##Disclaimer I have explained to the man who interviewed me (Rodrigo Taboada) that I have no experience with functional programming. I have vast experience in software engineering, I have worked inside both large companies and startups (see my [cv] (http://w3.impa.br/~eric/cv-ericbiagioli.pdf) for details), and I am enthusiastic about learning and geting used to functional programming, but I am not currently used to develop in this paradigm. I explained this fact to him and he told me that it is OK, that it is not a requirement to be _already used to_ the paradigm; and that my code would be evaluated taking into consideration that I don't know functional programming. The main point that takes me to highlight that I have been told that I will be evaluated with the consideration that I don't know functional programming is the last part of the problem statement, which says: > *we'll analyse the structure and readability of the codebase. We expect > production-grade code.* **So, this disclaimer intends to remarks that I have never written a _real_ program in Haskell before, I am not used to the usual practices regarding readability of the code, organization of the code, etc. I am very good at learning from someone who already knows, but I have never written a program in Haskell before. The code that I am presenting in here is my very first program in Haskell. I have been told that this fact would be considered at the evaluation time** ##Theoretical Considerations The problem, at a first glance, seems to require a graph structure. If we consider people as _nodes_ and we add an edge from n1 to n2 if and only if n1 sent an invitation to n2, the obtained structure is a graph. This is the graph that, at a first glace, one might want to implement in the solution. However, the data structure is significatively simpler when we realize about the following facts about the punctuation system: 1. We don't need to know _how many_ or _which_ are the children of a given node. We just need to know if it _has any_ children, or if it has _zero_ children. 2. We don't need to know _all the people that sent invitations to a given node_. We need to know just: * if _somebody_ sent and invitation to it * (in the case that more than one people sent invitations), we only need to know _the first one_. We call that person _the parent_ of n1. Thus, instead of having a structure with adjacency lists (an adjacency matrix is not even considerated, given that our graph is going to be very very sparse) we can have a very simple structure, in which each node is characterized by four values: **(ID _:: Int_ , PARENT _:: Int_ , HAS-CHILDS _:: Boolean_ , SCORE _:: Rational_)** If we just keep a set of such nodes, adding a _new edge_ from A to B (i.e.: a new invitation, sent from A to B) to the _graph_ will match one of the four following cases: *      the first invitation sent by A;     the first received by B *      the first invitation sent by A; *not* the first received by B * *not* the first invitation sent by A;     the first received by B * *not* the first invitation sent by A; *not* the first received by B If there exist an invitation from A to anyone, the property *HAS-CHILDS* of A is True. When this property _changes_ in some node, all its predecessors's score need to be updated. _The only things that we need to be able to update these scores are the predecedor of each node and the previous score_. This is the main idea used in the implementation of this solution to the problem. Although I have tried to write this document as clear as possible, I am available at any time to clarify any point. ##Implementation Overview As I said in the disclaimer, I am not at all experienced in Haskell. I had never _compiled_ a program in Haskell before. I had used a bit the ghc console; and I have took a course on Lambda Calculus; but this is my very first program completely written in Haskell. I have performed a research on available libraries to implement the HTTP endpoint. I tried to compare different website suggestions, and I find that the library _happstack_ is in almost all rankings appears considered among the best. Then, without any further foundation than this weak one, I picked _happstack_. After that, I started to read and understand how happstack works. It is not at all trivial for a starter; I have performed lots of experiments and I have read the documentation almost completely. Fortunately, the documentation of happstack is very good. There is a book named _crashcourse_ that has been very useful for me in this point. For the functions that makes the computation itself, I didn't use any particular library. All the functions are pure, and respect the functional paradigm in the strict sense. Every function receive a set of nodes, perform some operation, and return another set of nodes. There is not a global set being modified by the functions or something like that. This part is purely functional. When I started to implement the HTTP endpoint for the _add new invitation_ method, I realized that it is not so simple to keep states. And I need to keep states. I need to be able to add one edge to a list of _previous_ edges. The concept of _state_ appears almost naturally in this problem. Thus, I performed a new research on how to address this problem. I found that I could use an IORef, but it would be highly unsafe for multithreading. And a web interface... it would be stupid to assume that is going to be single-threaded. Thus, I took the library self-proclamated as _thread-safe_. It appears among the most recommended libraries to use together with happstack. Its name is ACID-STATE. ACID, as one can easlily imagine, cames from the usual meaning in software development contexts (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). Joining all together, my approach to the solution has two _main_ parts: the _web service_ part, that keeps that state of the input, solves all the networking needs, etc. and the part of _pure_ functional programming, which computes the punctuations. I wrote two versions of the later part. Once the program was working, I simplified a bit that part (where _simplified_ must be understood as _an opinion_... I _think_ that I have simplified a bit the code). The part of the server and keep the input state is mainly located at the files Server.hs and AcidInput.hs. The part of the punctuation system is located at the file PunctuationSystemV1.hs (and PunctuationSystemV2.hs). ##Build and run As I mentioned several times along this documentation, this is my very first experience with Haskell. This includes the _packaging_ process. Instead of creating a package using _cabal_ or _stack_, I will try to describe the process of installation of all the development tools and how to use them to compile the program. **ONE IMPORTANT NOTE:** It doesn't matter which operating system or architecture you use, it doesn't matter which compilation method you use. At the end, at the moment of executing the binary, **IN THE SAME DIRECTORY THAN THE EXECUTABLE FILE MUST BE A DIRECTORY (CAN BE EMPTY, BUT MUST BE THERE) NAMED tmp. THE USER WHO LAUNCHES THE EXECUTABLE MUST HAVE WRITE PERMISSIONS ON THE tmp DIRECTORY** I have developed on linux, on Ubuntu. I have tested the following recipe both in Windows 10 and in Ubuntu. ####Ubuntu: 1. Install [Haskell Platform] (https://www.haskell.org/platform/): `sudo apt-get install haskell-platform` 2. Update cabal database (cabal is a packages manager for Haskell): `sudo cabal update` 3. Install `happstack` (more information [here] (http://www.happstack.com/page/view-page-slug/2/download)) `export PATH=~/.cabal/bin:$PATH` `sudo cabal install happstack-server` 4. Install `acid-state`: `sudo cabal install acid-state` 5. Compile the project: If you have `make` installed on your system, you can go to the root directory of the project (the directory containing the Makefile) and execute `make`. This will do the job. If you don't have `make` installed on your system, you can go inside the the `src` directory and execute `ghc --make Main.hs -o rewardsystem` **Observation:** the binary named _rewardsystem_, in this case, must be manually moved to the root directory (since it will be inside the src directory). This is necessary because inside the root directory exists a directory named _tmp_, and this is mandatory for the execution of the program. **IMPORTANT NOTE: In the same folder than this executable must be a folder named _tmp_, and the user who launches the executable must have permissions to write in tmp** 6. Execute _Server_ and play... It listens on port 8000. You can either use curl or the browser to test it. See the section in which I include a DEMO for further details. ####Windows 10: 1. Install [Haskell Platform] (https://www.haskell.org/platform/). Choose the _Download Full_ option. **NOTE** that there is a manual step that you need to perform. The step 3 tells you to modify the cabal configuration file. If you forget to do this, you will not be able to install happstack (one of the packages that we will need to install). 2. Update cabal database (cabal is a packages manager for Haskell). Launch **as administrator** the command prompt and type `cabal update` 3. Install `happstack` (more information [here] (http://www.happstack.com/page/view-page-slug/2/download)). In the same command prompt open as administrator in step 2 type `cabal install happstack-server` 4. Install `acid-state`. Again, in the same command prompt, type: `cabal install acid-state` 5. Compile the project: If you have `make` installed on your system, you can go to the root directory of the project (the directory containing the Makefile) and execute `make`. This will do the job. If you don't have `make` installed on your system, you can go inside the the `src` directory and execute `ghc --make Main.hs -o rewardsystem` **Observation:** the binary named _rewardsystem_, in this case, must be manually moved to the root directory (since it will be inside the src directory). This is necessary because inside the root directory exists a directory named _tmp_, and this is mandatory for the execution of the program. **IMPORTANT NOTE: In the same folder than this executable must be a folder named _tmp_, and the user who launches the executable must have permissions to write in tmp** 6. Execute _Server_ and play... It listens on port 8000. You can either use curl or the browser to test it. See the section in which I include a DEMO for further details. ##Demos I include in this documentation four demos that might help for the compilation and/or the execution of the program. | Link | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | [youtube.com](youtube.com) | installation on ubuntu | | [youtube.com](youtube.com) | installation on windows | | [youtube.com](youtube.com) | execution on ubuntu | | [youtube.com](youtube.com) | execution on windows |