# Virtual Reality Viewport Addon to bring virtual reality devices to the Blender viewport. This is work in progress/pre-alpha state, use at your own risk. How to Use ========== In the viewport press ``Space`` + ``Virtual Reality Viewport``. And then press: * ``Alt + F11`` (Window Fullscreen) * ``Alt + F10`` (Fullscreen Area and Hide Panels) Current State ============= [![Video of plugin in action](http://img.youtube.com/vi/saSn2qvW0aE/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saSn2qvW0aE) Installation ============ In a terminal paste the following commands: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/dfelinto/virtual_reality_viewport.git $ cd virtual_reality_viewport $ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote $ zip -x __pycache__ -x */.git* -r9 space_view3d_virtual_reality.zip space_view3d_virtual_reality ``` Now install the space_view3d_virtual_reality.zip in Blender as an addon. Update ====== The following commands are for Mac, some changes are needed for other OSs: ``` $ git pull origin $ git submodule update --recursive --remote $ rsync -rv --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=.git --exclude=*.blend1 --exclude=*.blend2 --exclude=*.swp --exclude=*.swo space_view3d_virtual_reality ~/Library/Application\ Support/Blender/2.74/scripts/addons/ ``` Optionally, instead of rsync you can generate a new ``.zip``, remove the previous version of the addon and re-install it. Roadmap ======= Oculus DK2 is currently working. The next step is to support view navigation (`Shift + F`) within the addon. Later we can make it flexible enough to support other HMD devices. There are a few things I still need to implement: * Automatically go to clean fullscreen (Alt+F10) and fullwindow (Alt+F11) Feel free to send pull requests to any of the above. Credits ======= Oculus DK2 Shader by Martins Upitis (which I guess based his work from elsewhere) OculusVR wrapper by https://github.com/jherico/python-ovrsdk Blender Addon - Dalai Felinto - http://www.dalaifelinto.com