import bpy from import persistent from .hmd import HMD from .preview import Preview from .lib import ( getDisplayBackend, isMac, ) TODO = False # ############################################################ # Commands # ############################################################ class Commands: recenter = 'RECENTER' fullscreen = 'FULLSCREEN' play = 'PLAY' pause = 'PAUSE' test = 'TEST' class SlaveStatus: non_setup = 0 # initial dupli = 1 # view3d duplicated uiless = 2 # view3d without UI waituser = 3 # waiting for user to move window to HMD usermoved = 4 # user moved window ready = 5 # all went well play = 6 # play pause = 7 # pause paused = 8 # paused error = 9 # something didn't work # ############################################################ # Main Operator # ############################################################ class VirtualRealityDisplayOperator(bpy.types.Operator): """""" bl_idname = "view3d.virtual_reality_display" bl_label = "Toggle Virtual Reality Display" bl_description = "" # update the values in def _init_static _hmd = None _timer = None _handle_pre = None _handle_post = None _handle_pixel = None _hash_slave = -1 _hash_master = -1 _slave_status = 0 _slave_window = None _slave_area = None _is_mac = False _visible_master = None _visible_slave = None _is_rendering = False action = bpy.props.EnumProperty( description="", items=(("ENABLE", "Enable", "Enable"), ("DISABLE", "Disable", "Disable"), ("TOGGLE", "Toggle", "Toggle"), ("RECENTER", "Re-Center", "Re-Center tracking data"), ("FULLSCREEN", "Fullscreen", "Make slave fullscreen"), ("PLAY", "Play", ""), ("PAUSE", "Pause", ""), ), default="TOGGLE", options={'SKIP_SAVE'}, ) @classmethod def poll(cls, context): return context.area.type == 'VIEW_3D' def modal(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality area = context.area if not area: self.quit(context) self._quit(context) return {'FINISHED'} if not vr.is_enabled: self._quit(context) area.tag_redraw() return {'FINISHED'} if event.type == 'TIMER' and \ not vr.is_paused: if self._slave_area: self._slave_area.tag_redraw() if vr.use_preview: area.tag_redraw() return {'PASS_THROUGH'} def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality is_enabled = vr.is_enabled if self.action == 'TOGGLE': self.action = 'DISABLE' if is_enabled else 'ENABLE' if self.action == 'DISABLE': if is_enabled: self.quit(context) return {'FINISHED'} else:{'ERROR'}, "Virtual Reality Display is not enabled") return {'CANCELLED'} elif self.action == 'ENABLE': if is_enabled:{'ERROR'}, "Virtual Reality Display is already enabled") return {'CANCELLED'} if self.init(context): return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} else: # quit right away vr.is_enabled = False self._quit(context) elif self.action == 'RECENTER': vr.command_push(Commands.recenter) return {'FINISHED'} elif self.action == 'FULLSCREEN': vr.command_push(Commands.fullscreen) return {'FINISHED'} elif self.action == 'PLAY': vr.command_push( # we define is_paused right away, so # the next MODAL loop already tag_redraw vr.is_paused = False return {'FINISHED'} elif self.action == 'PAUSE': vr.command_push(Commands.pause) self._redraw(context) return {'FINISHED'} else: assert False, "action \"{0}\" not implemented".format(self.action) return {'CANCELLED'} def _redraw(self, context, redraw_master=True, redraw_slave=True): if redraw_slave and self._slave_area: self._slave_area.tag_redraw() if redraw_master: context.area.tag_redraw() def quit(self, context): """garbage collect""" # change it so the original modal operator will clean things up wm = context.window_manager wm.virtual_reality.reset() def _quit(self, context): """actual quit""" if self._timer: wm = context.window_manager wm.event_timer_remove(self._timer) self._timer = None if self._handle_pre: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_pre, 'WINDOW') self._handle_pre = None if self._handle_post: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_post, 'WINDOW') self._handle_post = None if self._handle_pixel: bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(self._handle_pixel, 'WINDOW') self._handle_pixel = None self._preview.quit() if self._hmd: self._hmd.quit() if self._slave_window: if hasattr(self._slave_window, "close"): self._slave_window.close() else: print("Error closing HMD window") # cleanup viewport if context.area: context.area.tag_redraw() def _init_static(self): self._hmd = None self._timer = None self._handle_pre = None self._handle_post = None self._handle_pixel = None self._hash_slave = -1 self._hash_master = -1 self._slave_status = 0 self._slave_window = None self._slave_area = None self._is_mac = isMac() self._visible_master = None self._visible_slave = None self._is_rendering = False def init(self, context): """ Initialize the callbacks and the external devices """ wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality vr.reset() vr.is_enabled = True self._init_static() display_backend = getDisplayBackend(context) self._hmd = HMD(display_backend, context, self._error_callback) self._preview = Preview() self._hash_master = hash(context.area) # setup modal self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(1.0 / 75.0, context.window) # 75 Hz self._handle_pre = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self._draw_callback_pre, (context,), 'WINDOW', 'PRE_VIEW') self._handle_post = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self._draw_callback_post, (context,), 'WINDOW', 'POST_VIEW') self._handle_pixel = bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_add(self._draw_callback_pixel, (context,), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL') wm.modal_handler_add(self) if self._hmd.is_direct_mode: self._init(context) else: vr.is_slave_setup = True return self._slaveSetup(context) return True def _init(self, context): if not self._hmd.init(context):{'ERROR'}, "Error initializing device") return False # get the data from device color_object = [0, 0] for i in range(2): self._hmd.setEye(i) color_object[i] = self._hmd.color_object self._preview.init(color_object[0], color_object[1]) return True def _slaveSetup(self, context): ok = True if self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.error: return False elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.non_setup: ok = self._slaveHook(context, SlaveStatus.dupli) self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.dupli elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.dupli: ok = self._slaveHook(context, SlaveStatus.uiless) self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.waituser elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.waituser: # waiting for the user input return True elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.usermoved: if not self._is_mac: bpy.ops.wm.window_fullscreen_toggle() space = context.space_data if region = context.region_data region.view_perspective = 'CAMERA' context.window_manager.virtual_reality.is_slave_setup = False ok = self._init(context) self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.ready elif self._slave_status == context.window_manager.virtual_reality.is_paused = False self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.ready elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.pause: context.window_manager.virtual_reality.is_paused = True context.area.tag_redraw() self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.paused else: assert False, "_slaveSetup: Slave status \"{0}\" not defined".format(self._slave_status) if not ok: self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.error self.quit(context) self._slave_window = context.window return ok def _slaveHook(self, context, mode=''): self._hash_slave = -1 self._slave_area = None self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.non_setup hashes = [] for screen in for area in screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': hashes.append(hash(area)) if mode == SlaveStatus.dupli: bpy.ops.screen.area_dupli('INVOKE_DEFAULT') elif mode == SlaveStatus.uiless: bpy.ops.screen.screen_full_area(use_hide_panels=True) else: assert False, "_slaveHook: Slave status \"{0}\" not defined".format(self._slave_status) for screen in for area in screen.areas: if area.type != 'VIEW_3D': continue _hash = hash(area) try: hashes.remove(_hash) except ValueError: self._hash_slave = _hash self._slave_area = area print('Success finding slave') return True return False def _commands(self, context): """ Process any pending command from the main window """ wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality while vr.commands: command = vr.command_pop() if command == Commands.recenter: if self._hmd: self._hmd.reCenter() elif command == Commands.fullscreen: self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.usermoved self._slaveSetup(context) elif command == self._slave_status = self._slaveSetup(context) elif command == Commands.pause: self._slave_status = SlaveStatus.pause self._slaveSetup(context) elif command == Commands.test: print("Testing !!!") else: assert False, "_commands: command \"{0}\" not implemented" def _loop(self, context): """ Get fresh tracking data and render into the FBO """ self._is_rendering = True self._hmd.loop(context) scene = context.scene view3d = context.space_data region = context.region for i in range(2): self._hmd.setEye(i) offscreen_object = self._hmd.offscreen_object projection_matrix = self._hmd.projection_matrix modelview_matrix = self._hmd.modelview_matrix # drawing try: offscreen_object.draw_view3d(projection_matrix, modelview_matrix) except: offscreen_object.draw_view3d(scene, view3d, region, projection_matrix, modelview_matrix) self._hmd.frameReady() self._is_rendering = False def _drawMaster(self, context): wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality if self._hmd.is_direct_mode: self._commands(context) if vr.is_paused: return if self._hmd.is_direct_mode: self._loop(context) if vr.use_preview: self._preview.loop(vr.preview_scale) def _drawSlave(self, context): wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality if self._hmd.is_direct_mode: return self._commands(context) if vr.is_paused: return if self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.ready: self._loop(context) elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.paused: return elif self._slave_status == SlaveStatus.waituser: self._drawDisplayMessage(context) else: self._slaveSetup(context) def _drawDisplayMessage(self, context): """ Message telling user to move the window the HMD display """ from bgl import glColor4f window = context.window width = window.width height = window.height glColor4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) font_id = 0 # draw some text x = int(0.1 * width) y = int(0.5 * height) font_size = int(width * 0.035) line_gap = int(font_size * 1.5) from blf import ( SHADOW, enable, shadow, shadow_offset, position, size, draw, disable, ) enable(font_id, SHADOW) shadow(font_id, 5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) shadow_offset(font_id, -2, -2) size(font_id, font_size, 72) if self._is_mac: position(font_id, x, y + line_gap, 0) draw(font_id, "1. Move this window to the external HMD display") position(font_id, x, y, 0) draw(font_id, "2. Set this window to fullscreen (Alt + F11)") position(font_id, x, y - line_gap, 0) draw(font_id, "3. Select \"Start\" in the main window") else: position(font_id, x, y, 0) draw(font_id, "1. Move this window to the external HMD display") position(font_id, x, y - line_gap, 0) draw(font_id, "2. Select \"Start\" in the main window") disable(font_id, SHADOW) def _pre_draw_hide(self, context, visible): scene = context.scene space = context.space_data visible['objects'] = [] objects = visible['objects'] for ob in scene.objects: if not ob.hide: objects.append(ob) ob.hide = True visible['show_grease_pencil'] = space.show_grease_pencil space.show_grease_pencil = False def _post_draw_show(self, context, visible): space = context.space_data objects = visible['objects'] for ob in objects: ob.hide = False visible['objects'] = [] space.show_grease_pencil = visible['show_grease_pencil'] def _hide_master(self, context): """ whether to hide the main 3d viewport """ vr = context.window_manager.virtual_reality if vr.is_paused: return False if vr.use_hmd_only: return True if vr.use_preview and vr.preview_scale == 100: return True def _draw_callback_pre(self, context): """ hide all the scene objects to speed up rendering """ if self._is_rendering or \ context.window_manager.virtual_reality.is_debug: return area = context.area hash_area = hash(area) if hash_area == self._hash_slave: self._visible_slave = {} self._pre_draw_hide(context, self._visible_slave) elif hash_area == self._hash_master and self._hide_master(context): self._visible_master = {} self._pre_draw_hide(context, self._visible_master) def _draw_callback_post(self, context): """ show all the hidden objects """ if self._is_rendering or \ context.window_manager.virtual_reality.is_debug: return area = context.area hash_area = hash(area) if hash_area == self._hash_slave: self._post_draw_show(context, self._visible_slave) elif hash_area == self._hash_master and self._hide_master(context): self._post_draw_show(context, self._visible_master) def _draw_callback_pixel(self, context): """ callback function, run every time the viewport is refreshed """ if self._is_rendering: return area = context.area hash_area = hash(area) if hash_area == self._hash_slave: self._drawSlave(context) elif hash_area == self._hash_master: self._drawMaster(context) def _error_callback(self, message, is_fatal): """ Error handler, called from HMD class """ context = bpy.context wm = context.window_manager vr = wm.virtual_reality if is_fatal:{'ERROR'}, message) self.quit(context) vr.error_message = message # ############################################################ # Global Properties # ############################################################ from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, CollectionProperty, EnumProperty, StringProperty, IntProperty, ) class VirtualRealityCommandInfo(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): action = EnumProperty( name="Action", items=(("NONE", "None", ""), (Commands.recenter, "Re-Center", ""), (Commands.fullscreen, "Fullscreen", ""), (, "Play", ""), (Commands.pause, "Pause", ""), (Commands.test, "Test", ""), ), default="NONE", ) class VirtualRealityInfo(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): is_enabled = BoolProperty( name="Enabled", default=False, ) is_paused = BoolProperty( name="Paused", default=False, ) use_preview = BoolProperty( name="Preview", default=False, ) use_hmd_only = BoolProperty( name="HMD Only", default=False, ) preview_scale = IntProperty( name="Preview Scale", min=0, max=100, default=20, subtype='PERCENTAGE', ) error_message = StringProperty( name="Error Message", ) tracking_mode = EnumProperty( name="Tracking Mode", description="", items=(("ALL", "All", ""), ("ROTATION", "Rotation Only", "Ignore positional tracking data"), ("NONE", "None", "No tracking"), ), default="ALL", ) is_slave_setup = BoolProperty( default = False, ) is_debug = BoolProperty( name = "Debug", default = False, description = "Skip the optimization to prevent extra drawing", ) commands = CollectionProperty(type=VirtualRealityCommandInfo) def command_push(self, action): command = self.commands.add() command.action = action def command_pop(self): command = self.commands[0] action = command.action self.commands.remove(0) return action def reset(self): while self.commands: self.commands.remove(0) self.use_preview = False self.use_hmd_only = False self.error_message = "" self.is_enabled = False self.is_slave_setup = False self.is_paused = False self.is_debug = False # ############################################################ # Callbacks # ############################################################ @persistent def virtual_reality_load_pre(dummy): wm = bpy.context.window_manager wm.virtual_reality.reset() @persistent def virtual_reality_load_post(dummy): wm = bpy.context.window_manager wm.virtual_reality.reset() # ############################################################ # Un/Registration # ############################################################ def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(VirtualRealityDisplayOperator) bpy.utils.register_class(VirtualRealityCommandInfo) bpy.utils.register_class(VirtualRealityInfo) bpy.types.WindowManager.virtual_reality = bpy.props.PointerProperty( name="virtual_reality", type=VirtualRealityInfo, options={'HIDDEN'}, ) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_class(VirtualRealityDisplayOperator) del bpy.types.WindowManager.virtual_reality bpy.utils.unregister_class(VirtualRealityInfo) bpy.utils.unregister_class(VirtualRealityCommandInfo)