# Virtual Reality Viewport
Addon to bring virtual reality devices to the Blender viewport.
In the ``User Preferences``, ``Add-ons``, ``3D View: Virtual Reality Viewport`` select the Display Backend you want to use.
In the viewport go to the toolshelf, select the ``Virtual Reality`` tab, click on the ``Virtual Reality`` button and follow the on-screen instructions.
<img src="" width="600" />
[![Video of plugin in action](](
Easy Installation
You can get the latest version of the Addon here:
Advanced Installation
In a terminal paste the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd virtual_reality_viewport
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ zip -x __pycache__ -x */.git* -r9 space_view3d_virtual_reality
Now install the in Blender as an addon.
Followed by the rsync command for your OS:
$ rsync -rv --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=.git --exclude=*.blend1 --exclude=*.blend2 --exclude=*.swp --exclude=*.swo space_view3d_virtual_reality ~/Library/Application\ Support/Blender/2.76/scripts/addons/
$ rsync -rv --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=.git --exclude=*.blend1 --exclude=*.blend2 --exclude=*.swp --exclude=*.swo space_view3d_virtual_reality ~/.config/blender/2.76/scripts/addons/
Optionally, instead of rsync you can generate a new ``.zip``, remove the previous version of the addon and re-install it.
* Upgrade Oculus SDK 0.7 to 1.3
* Extend the external bridge library to support other HMD devices
* Oculus SDK 0.5 wrapper by
* Oculus SDK 0.7 bridge: Dalai Felinto and Djalma Lucio @ Visgraf / IMPA
* Blender Addon - Dalai Felinto -
* Visgraf / IMPA - for supporting the core of the addon development
* Djalma Lucio for peer review and discussions about the bridge implementation
* Campbell Barton - for reviewing and contributing to the patches for Blender core
* Thanks for all the testers