This library works on Windows only, and with the Oculus SDK 0.7.
How to build:
1. Open Project file
2. Right-Click in BridgeLib and select `Properties`
3. `Linker` > `Input` > `Additional Dependencies`
4. Add in the file and path for the Oculus .lib files:
(change it accordingly to your Oculus SDK location).
5. Under the project's properties, `Configuration Properties` > `C/C++` > `Additional Include Directories`:
(change it accordingly to your Oculus SDK location).
Once built, the final package should be assembled with the wrapper python files such that:
//bridge (new folder)
//bridge/ (wrapper/
//bridge/ (wrapper/
//bridge/ (wrapper/
//bridge/win32-x86/BridgeLib.dll (Release/BridgeLib.dll)