#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gnuplot_i.hpp>
#include <Component.h>
#include <Profile.h>
using namespace std;
#ifndef _Projection
#define _Projection
class Command;
class Projection
int ID_;
Gnuplot *gplt;
string terminal_;
string argvComp_; // string sent by the user with -p or -t option
vector <Command *> cmds_;
vector <Component *> inputComps_;
vector <Component *> comps_;
vector <string> compToProj_; // individual components separated from argvComp_ (: striped)
vector <string> compToLabel_; // individual components separated from argvComp_ (: striped)
vector <string> colorToProj_; // individual components separated from argvComp_ (: striped)
float xmin_, xmax_, ymin_, ymax_; // min and max values in x and y coords
float xSmin_, xSmax_, ySmin_, ySmax_; // custom range selected by the user
float border_;
bool sRange_; // indicate custom range must be used
void calcRange(string);
void replaceCompName(void);
void replaceAll(string& str, const string& from, const string& to);
Projection(int, string, argvOpt, const vector <Component *> &);
Gnuplot * projection(void);
string terminal(void);
Command * cmd(int);
void addCmd(Command *);
void addComp(Component *);
int nComps(void); // number of components
string compToProj(int);
string compToLabel(int);
string colorToProj(int);
float xmin(void);
float xmax(void);
float ymin(void);
float ymax(void);
bool sRange(void);
void setSrange(float, float, float, float);
void resetSrange(void);
void triangularTransform(void);
void findColors(void);
void showComps(void);